10б - 2019-2020

Задание на пятницу 15 ноября Написать эссе на предложенную тему:

2. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Становится популярным  сегодня, что  выпускники  предпочитают взять отпуск и работать в течение года после окончании школы.  Эта идея имеет много сторонников, равно как и противников  и провоцирует (ignite)   споры  среди учителей и родителей .

Я считаю, что * создает больше  позитивных эффектов, чем недостатков. Я хочу подкрепить мое мнение  несколькими фактами. (Here are some reasons why it's a good idea..) Во-первых, вы можете заработать деньги.  Вы, возможное, не заработаете достаточно, чтобы оплатить все ваши расходы на обучение, но  вы могли бы, возможно, покрыть такие расходы, как проживание, учебники, или даже первый семестр вашего курса. Во-вторых, у вас появится возможность установить полезные контакты. Во время * ученики встречаются с различными людьми из всех слоев общества.( different people from all walks of life.). Эти люди могут помочь вам найти работу или дать вам отзыв (Вы можете обратиться к этим людям за возможностью трудоустройства или отзывами). Интернациональные друзья позволят вам развить понимание различных культур  Наконец, * дает вам возможность получить новые  жизненные навыки . Это может быть что угодно, начиная от изучения иностранного языка до овладениями навыками продвинутого пользователя компьютером.

During your defer year, students are likely meet a range of different people from all walks of life. This could include people they can call on for job opportunities and references, or simply some international friends on whose sofas they can crash on if they get the chance to visit their home country later. Speaking of which… 
allowing to develop a nuanced understanding of different cultures and, whic
Improve and gain new life skills
 This can be anything from learning and becoming fluent in a foreign language, becoming an instructor in an adventure sport, boosting your IT skills or learning how to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL). 

It can be anything from learning a foreign language to mastering the skills of an advanced computer user

You might not earn enough to pay your entire university costs, but you could perhaps cover expenses such as accommodation, text books, travel or even the first semester/term of your course fees.

Вот материал, который может помочь. Не забывайте про дискуссионные часы 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from
studying after graduating from high school. This trend is not restricted to rich students
who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer students who choose to
work and become economically independent for a period of time.
The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes
directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and
experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or
traveling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw
on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study
and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges
of student life.
However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults
may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic
environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do
something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think this is less
likely today, when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.
My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the
best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives
and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated
ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.

A gap year! A few years ago this phrase was casually thrown around, but now the word's ‘gap year’ seem to be on every young person’s lips. It seems that every time a gap year is mentioned it's met with ideas of beautiful beaches, beautiful people and a wonderful time. But what are they like in reality? Are gap year programs really all sunshine and daisies or is there a little more to them?
One surefire way to convince your mom and dad to let you take a gap year is to do your homework. This list details the pros and cons of taking a gap year to help you decide if it’s really right for you.

PRO: It'll make your resume look pretty snazzy

A gap year can provide a person with valuable new skills that any employer will be impressed by. Cultural awareness, organization, and an ability to work independently are just some of the skills that are gained by taking a year out.

CON: You'll be a year behind

This can be a tough one for many people. They wave as their friends all trek to college and start their new lives and they are left behind. They can’t start their new adventure yet because they don’t have the cash. This is easily offset by working hard and saving cash quickly in order to jet off as soon as possible.

PRO: You'll meet new people

On a gap year it’s impossible not to meet new people. Throughout school and college we are surrounded by the same folks but taking a gap year allows us to discover others, make new friends, and interact with people from all walks of life.

CON: You'll be homesick

It’s something that hits most of us at some point. Whether you're missing family, friends or simply home comforts, you may find yourself wondering why you chose a life on the road. But fear not! The joy of travel is that there is always somebody to meet and something to do. Power through and you'll be glad you did.

PRO: You'll have tons of stories

After spending a year away the stories will mount up; these can be great conversation starters in the interview room, at parties or, simply just to look back on and remember.

CON: It's a risk

Sure it is! But where do we get in life if we aren’t willing to take risks? This is what makes a gap year so exciting; not knowing what to expect is all part of the adventure. The key is to take care and travel with common sense. Fun fact: I've yet to meet a gap year traveler or career breaker who "regretted" their decision to hit the road.

PRO: It’s a long escape from the daily grind

A gap year, for most people, is the period of non-traditional life that you'll ever have. It is often a once in a lifetime experience and the chance to escape the daily grind. However, if planned right, it will also be an educational opportunity of growth and other benefits and not just a "vacation" or year off. A gap year should be a year on.

CON: It can be expensive

This depends on the destination and the duration of the trip but, chances are, when taking a gap year you’re going to spend quite a bit of cash. The best way to fund a gap year is to work and travel at the same time. It’s also a good idea to plan trips independently as this will cut costs dramatically – for the first time traveler this may be a little difficult and paying extra for the help of someone to do it for you might be a good idea.

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